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MenueOberwirtMENU Romantic Hotel
Romantic Hotel Oberwirt Logo Marling in Meran, Südtirol
from 959 €
per Person
5  nights  
Pleasure days

Life artists always try to make the best of every situation. And to enjoy life exhilarated. Or simply to be happy to be allowed to be. We are happy if you can find yourself with us. With time for pleasure and wellness. Individually, just the way you like it.

  • 5 nights including a comprehensive breakfast buffet
  • 5-course menu to choose from as part of the half board on 4 evenings
  • 1x romantic menu in the á la carte restaurant
  • wine tasting
  • 75,- € voucher p.p. in the AMADEA Spa



14.03.– 11.11.2024